Thursday, October 29, 2009

Waiting for the Bus

My son has autism, and so as a special ed student, his bus picks him up right at his house.  Trust me, it's the only perk of having a kid with special needs.  Anyway, I did this SB page of some cute shots of him waiting for the bus one morning, and getting on the bus:

All the supplies I used (except the font, which is called "Eraser" -- you can google it -- are from - the School Zone kit.  I decided to do a more generalized word art for you, since most kids have to walk to a bus stop, and the more familiar cry is "Here comes the bus!":

Hope you can use it on your school LO's!!  The link to the download is HERE.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


On Sunday I started to not feel so hot, and thought I was getting what my son had, which I was told by his doctor was not swine flu.  But after missing two days of work, I reluctantly realized I would have to see a doctor.  So I went today, and was told I do have swine flu and can't go back to work til Monday.  Thank goodness for laptops!  What did we do before them?

Anyway, I started thinking that probably a lot of scrapbookers are taking care of their loved ones who also have swine flu (or maybe you have it yourself) and you may want to document this event, so I put together a silly wordart for you:

You can download it from HERE, but I really hope you won't be using it!!  Stay healthy!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Something Strange in the Neighborhood

Julie got costumed up for a Halloween party.  Had to scrap the pics of her, but I needed a title.  Was searching the web when I came across the famous first line in the Ghostbusters theme song.  Here's the title:

And here's the SB page I made with Julie, and also a view of the wordart.  You can download the wordart HERE.

This page is QP I downloaded from  I'm sorry, but I don't have the information on the artist anymore.  If you're out there, please identify yourself and accept my humble apologies!

Have a great Halloween weekend!