Sunday, December 6, 2009

Nutcracker Sweet!

The Saturday after Thanksgiving, Julie and I went to see the Nutcracker Suite at the Kennedy Center.  It was awesome, and we had a great time together.  We hardly ever get to do anything together -- just me and Julie, so this was special.

So I made this scrapbook page to help us remember it.  Here's a better look at the title:

You can download the word art here.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Holidays in Hand

No pics or wordart today, just completing my first assignment from my class with Jessica Sprague:  to write down my values and goals for this holiday season.  Hmmmm, this is not so easy.  Normally I just dive into the holidays head first, without much of a plan other than enjoy every second of the holiday season.  So to organize my thoughts for the sesason is a challenge, but here goes:

1)  Love my children more than I ever have;
2)  Enrich my extended family and friends with more love and thoughtfulness;
3)  Create fabulous meals -- not just to eat but to look at, too;
4)  Remember my Saviour and express my gratitude on a daily basis for Him and the life He has blessed me with;
5)  Enjoy every second.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Waiting for the Bus

My son has autism, and so as a special ed student, his bus picks him up right at his house.  Trust me, it's the only perk of having a kid with special needs.  Anyway, I did this SB page of some cute shots of him waiting for the bus one morning, and getting on the bus:

All the supplies I used (except the font, which is called "Eraser" -- you can google it -- are from - the School Zone kit.  I decided to do a more generalized word art for you, since most kids have to walk to a bus stop, and the more familiar cry is "Here comes the bus!":

Hope you can use it on your school LO's!!  The link to the download is HERE.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


On Sunday I started to not feel so hot, and thought I was getting what my son had, which I was told by his doctor was not swine flu.  But after missing two days of work, I reluctantly realized I would have to see a doctor.  So I went today, and was told I do have swine flu and can't go back to work til Monday.  Thank goodness for laptops!  What did we do before them?

Anyway, I started thinking that probably a lot of scrapbookers are taking care of their loved ones who also have swine flu (or maybe you have it yourself) and you may want to document this event, so I put together a silly wordart for you:

You can download it from HERE, but I really hope you won't be using it!!  Stay healthy!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Something Strange in the Neighborhood

Julie got costumed up for a Halloween party.  Had to scrap the pics of her, but I needed a title.  Was searching the web when I came across the famous first line in the Ghostbusters theme song.  Here's the title:

And here's the SB page I made with Julie, and also a view of the wordart.  You can download the wordart HERE.

This page is QP I downloaded from  I'm sorry, but I don't have the information on the artist anymore.  If you're out there, please identify yourself and accept my humble apologies!

Have a great Halloween weekend!

Friday, September 25, 2009


A couple of weeks ago, I made this LO with a saying about daughters that I really liked:

This was before I learned how to do word art, and just messed around with different font sizes.  I decided for my second post, I'd make word art of the saying to post here.  Here is the link.  Hope you like it!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Color My Autumn

So I'm going to try something new. In the past few months, I've become totally addicted to digital scrapbooking. I've even learned how to make my own word art, which is really helpful, considering most of what's out there, while gorgeous, doesn't usually apply to the particular LOs I'm making. I've been able to get most of my digital stuff for free, so I thought I'd return the favor by posting whatever word art I make. I hope you find it useful for your own LOs.

Here is a preview of the phrase "color my autumn":

It was inspired by the picture I took (shown below) of some yummy, ripe apples from the Crooked Run Orchards in northern Virginia. So I'm going to be trying this for the first time -- here is a link to my first word art, and if it doesn't work right, let me know and I'll figure out what I did wrong. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy my little contributions! (Personal use only, please.)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The weather is NOT frightful!

It's 65 degrees outside, and it's early February! Just got back from a lovely walk with my dog. I had on short sleeve shirt and no jacket, and was fine. There was a super nice breeze blowing. I even opened the windows in my house! It's hard to believe that just a week ago, Lauren, Spencer and I were doing this: (see picture)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's Saturday!!!!!!!!!

I've been waiting for this Saturday for a long time. I only have to do things I WANT to do today!! I was able to sleep in (yea!) and tonight I'm going to dinner and movies with Jacquie Stamates, a very good friend I met at work. Here's a picture of Jacquie and I taken at the American Idol concert in DC last July.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Here I go...

Last night I attended a brief class on how to start blogging by Kari Hickman. She was great, and inspired me to get going on my own blog. I see this as an easy way to journal, which I've never been good at. It's also an electronic scrapbook of sorts, as I'll be posting pictures as well.